The Pacific Brass Band

Rehearsal Schedule

The Pacific Brass Band rehearses on Monday evenings @ 7:30 PM from early August
through late November, and early January through early June.

Half our rehearsals are held in Salinas, CA, at either the

North Salinas High School Band Room. 55 Kip Drive, Salinas, or at

Northminster Presbyterian Church, 315 E. Alvin Drive, Gilroy.

The other half are held at the Gilroy Elks Lodge, Gilroy Elks Lodge, 2765 Hecker Pass Road, Gilroy, CA

Observers are welcome at our rehearsals, but please Contact Us to let us know you’re coming.

Rehearsal Schedule from Now Through the 2025-26 Season

Date: Event: Rehearsal Location & Notes: NOTES:

 Monday, March 17,2025

Regular Rehearsal

 Gilroy Elks Lodge, Gilroy, CA (*****THIS IS A CHANGE*****)

 Monday, March 24,2025


 Gilroy Elks Lodge, Gilroy, CA Gilroy Elks Lodge (*****THIS IS A

 Saturday, March 29,2025


 TBD Shared concert with SF Brass Band, Time & Location TBA

We're still awaiting info from the SFBB, telling us the time and location for this concert. We expect the location

 Monday, March 31,2025

Regular Rehearsal

 North Salinas High School, Salinas, CA

 Monday, April 07,2025

Regular Rehearsal

 North Salinas High School, Salinas, CA

 Monday, April 14,2025

Regular Rehearsal

 North Salinas High School, Salinas, CA

 Monday, April 21,2025

Regular Rehearsal

 Gilroy Elks Lodge, Gilroy, CA

 Monday, April 28,2025

Regular Rehearsal

 North Salinas High School, Salinas, CA

 Monday, May 05,2025

Regular Rehearsal

 Gilroy Elks Lodge, Gilroy, CA

 Friday, May 09,2025

MANDATORY Extra Rehearsal

 Other: OBI Studios, San Jose -- Rehearsal begins at 7:30 PM. PBB Call Time TBA. Be prepared to rehearse until 10 PM.

This is our ONLY rehearsal of "Pines of the Appian Way" with the South Valley Symphony. It is their dress rehearsal, likely in concert order, so we may not have to be there until 9 PM or so. The rehearsal is scheduled to end at 10 PM. The orchestra's Music Director is looking for a way to get us in and out of there as quickly as possible, but it will depend partly upon how well the orchestra players have prepared for the concert. Anyway, plan on a late night if you have a long commute home from this one.

 Sunday, May 11,2025


 Other: CONCERT with the South Valley Symphony at Guglielmo Winery, Morgan Hill. Call time - likely 1:30 PM. Downbeat: 3:00 PM

 Monday, May 12,2025

Final Rehearsal

 Gilroy Elks Lodge, Gilroy, CA

 Sunday, May 18,2025


 Gilroy Elks Lodge, Gilroy, CA Gilroy Elks Scholarship Benefit Concert. Call time 2:29 PM;

 Monday, May 19,2025

Regular Rehearsal -- OR -- Sort & File Music

 Gilroy Elks Lodge, Gilroy, CA

 Monday, May 26,2025

Memorial Day -- No Rehearsal


 Monday, June 02,2025

Regular Rehearsal -- OR -- Sort & File Music


 Monday, June 09,2025

Regular Rehearsal -- OR -- Sort & File Music


 Monday, August 11,2025

Regular Rehearsal Possible Rehearsal


Rehearsals for 2025-2026 will begin on either August 11 or August 18.

 Monday, August 18,2025

Regular Rehearsal Possible Rehearsal


Rehearsals for 2025-2026 will begin on either August 11 or August 18.

 Monday, August 25,2025

Regular Rehearsal Possible Rehearsal


 Monday, September 01,2025

Labor Day -- No Rehearsal


 Monday, September 08,2025

Regular Rehearsal


 Monday, September 15,2025

Regular Rehearsal


 Monday, September 22,2025

Regular Rehearsal


 Monday, September 29,2025

Regular Rehearsal


 Monday, October 06,2025

Regular Rehearsal


 Monday, October 13,2025

Final Rehearsal


 Sunday, October 19,2025

 CONCERT Call Time: 2:59 PM; Downbeat 3:30 PM -- Followed by Prime Rib Dinner

 Hidden Valley Music Seminars, Carmel Valley, CA

Note that this concert is 2 hours earlier than it has been in previous years. Dinner is for Band Members + spouse or 1 guest. Additional family members may be able to join us for a fee, amount unknown at this time.

 Monday, October 20,2025

Regular Rehearsal


 Monday, October 27,2025

Regular Rehearsal


 Monday, November 03,2025

Regular Rehearsal


 Monday, November 10,2025

Regular Rehearsal


 Monday, November 17,2025

Final Rehearsal


 Saturday, November 22,2025


 Gilroy Presbyterian Church -- Call time 2:29 PM with a 3:00

 Sunday, November 23,2025


 Northminister Presbyterian Church, Salinas, CA -- Call time 2:29 PM with a 3:00

 Monday, November 24,2025

Possible Reading Session - OR Holiday Dinner Rehearsal


We have discussed having an ensemble perform at Hidden Valley Music Seminars on Saturday evening, December 6. We also discussed some reading sessions to explore more music for possible performances. This date will likely be a rehearsal or a reading session.

 Monday, December 01,2025

Possible Reading Session - OR Holiday Dinner Rehearsal


We have discussed having an ensemble perform at Hidden Valley Music Seminars on Saturday evening, December 6. We also discussed some reading sessions to explore more music for possible performances. This date will likely be a rehearsal or a reading session.

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